Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > schnauzer/yorkie puppies

schnauzer/yorkie puppies

18 13:44:06

our mini schanuzer bred with our yorkie by accident. We are not sure excatly when our bitch was in heat. The vet said the puppies should be here any day, but that was last week. We still have no puppies. Should we be concerned the puppies are late and what should we do?

Thanks, kema

I would suggest maybe taking her to a different vet, and see if he would be better able to tell when she's due. A few signs to watch out for when labor is about to start is she'll loose her mucus plug. It's this clearish, sticky, glob that comes from her vulva. When you see that, labor should start within 24-48 hours. I would still take her to the vet for a check up just to be on the safe side. Good luck!