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after whelping

18 11:56:38

Hello, I have a 3 year old Schnoodle that had a litter of 5 yesterday night.  After having the litter she was behaving normally.  This afternoon she began behaving strangely.  She was panting and walking around a lot, leaving the pups and trying to hide under my bed.  I thought it may be because it was too warm for her in the whelping box so I let her out and into a cooler area of the house.  This helped with the panting a little, but she is still breathing heavily seemingly for no reason.  Everything else is normal.  She is nursing, eating, drinking, and using the bathroom.  She does not seem lethargic or otherwise unwell.  Should I be concerned about this?

Hi Valerie

Did you notice if all the placenta's were accounted for and did she expel the afterbirth?  

If the answer is no, she needs to get rid of that.  If she can't do it naturally, a shot of oxytocin from the vet is in order.  If she has any "left-overs" she can has a risk of infection which would raise her temperature and cause  her to pat and be uncomfortable.

Good luck