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Boston Terrier labor

18 11:55:38

My BT is in labor.  I came home and she is nesting (digging around), only wants to be in her crate (not her whelping box), and there is a sack of water hanging from her vulva.  She was barely pushing and contractions aren't strong at all.  She has started pushing a little more but not much.  The sack has been hanging from her for an hour now.  Is this normal??  It didn't happen with any of my other dogs so I was just wondering.  She isn't stressed, as a matter of fact, she is so calm and wants to sleep and rest.

Hi April

Has she broke the water?  If not you can do it for her.  It's the beginning of her labor, so no worries there.

If she prefers her crate, make sure that you have rolled up towels around the edges, and maybe take the top off.  This will work as a whelping box for her too.

Good luck