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Difficult Breeder Once A Year Heat

18 11:55:53


My Baby Girl

I am a proud owner of a two year old Blue Merle Pomeranian who's just full of life :) I was wanting to breed her to a friends Pomeranian and then have her fixed after her first litter.  The Problem is that she is only coming into heat once a year. I skipped her first heat. Her second heat i sent her to my friends house and she kept them together and giving them both breaks but she never breed or tied with the male. Is there something i can help her to bring her into heat like she should or is there  can I her tie with a male ? Or Can i take her in to have her breed at the vets.... please help i really would love to see her become a mother to a wonderful litter :-)

First of all...the American Kennel Club does not recognize Blue Merle's as an acceptable color. Based on that alone I would not suggest breeding your bitch, the blue merle gene in many breeds has very adverse affects on the puppies, which is why the color is NOT desirable in many breeds. The is nothing that you can do to make her go into heat. If she only goes in once a year, then that is just how her body has adjusted and it probably means that there maybe something wrong with her reproductive system, another reason not to breed her. You cannot tie her to the male, this is something that is done naturally or via A.I. If you decide to breed in the future, I would suggest that you consult a show breeder that you can find on the website. If you find a breeder that you can mentor under, they will show you the proper way to choose a breed worthy bitch and how to find a sire for your litter.