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Pregnant ???

18 11:59:52

Hi, My Shitzu female was bred on July 31. It wasn't an intentional breeding although she was bred with the male we had planned but I was going to wait til her next heat. Anyway, I am wondering if she is having a false pregnancy we are on day 65 and temp is still 101.6 and she is not as big as I normally have seen but have not bred her before.her tummy is hard but not large, teets are puffy...she is not eating as much as normal though. She saw the vet @ 47 days and he could tell for sure by palpating??? Should I be concerned and when would be the longest I should wait before figuring it is a false pregnancy?

Hi Debbie

Gestation is from when the eggs were fertilized not necessarily from when the breeding took place.
Sperm can survive 72 hours. So you still may be okay.  

A vet should be able to tell if there are pups by feeling the stomach but an x-ray would be more definite.