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Pregnant femal puggle 14 mos. old

18 11:56:42

I have a 14 mos. old femal puggle "honey", who I am definite is pregnant, and possibly in her whelping stage.
She was stuck on May 20th to a male miniture poodle, and her belly is quite large now, milk from 8 of her 10 nipples, the other 2 nipples seem to not have grown out all the way. I took her rectal temp Thurs. night and it was 100.4 degrees, today is Sat. morning, and I took her temp again, it was 99.4. Should I be expecting her to whelp within a day or so? And how many pups do you think she will have? Thank You

Hi Chiconde

Although I'm the champion puppy guesser at our place, it's not a fool proof way of determining pups.   A female is responsible for the number of pups, the male for the sexes.  So depending on the number of eggs she released, will determine the number of pups.

If she only tied on the one day, 63 days would be Monday.

Good luck