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Tie pulls apart when breeding

18 11:56:43

I have a 1 yr old first time breeding male Chihuahua that I am trying to breed to my 3 year old Chihuahua. Problem is on day 6 they tied he yelped loudly she pulled away tie was lost. day 9 tied 2 times he yelped each time she pulled away he came out of her and tie was lost. He won't perform if I try to hold her. Any suggestions?
Thank You in advance,

Hi Ed

Is the female a maiden?  Has she been bred before and/or whelped a litter before? I know it's the male that's yelping, but the female can have an extra band of skin in her vulva that can make it painful for a male and impossible for pups to be born naturally.

Have you checked to ensure he has not scratches or damage to his penis?  How much room are you giving them to work with?  You may need to try a smaller area, a crate to keep her confined so she won't move, (think the back seat of a 69 Chevy).  Room to maneuver but no room to "get out of the way".