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Welping a French Bulldog

18 13:34:07

Joyce, this will be my first litter of frenchies I am use to bull terriers. She was bred on the 16th and the 18th of July. Should I let her go into labor or should I just have a c-section done on the 63rd day. I know she needs a c-section just not sure whether I should let her go into laboe first. She also is starting to have a discharge it seems a little early for this is this normal it is a milky color. Is there anything else I should know. Thanks Tracy

Hi Tracy

First, why would you think she needs to have a c-section? Does she have a condition that would not allow for the pups to pass naturally?  

Discharge can start a week or two early so as long as it's clear or milky that's fine.

If a section is a must, schedule it for day any day after day 60.  

Good luck.