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Newborn Pups

18 11:59:25


We have a female Boxer who just had her first litter.  This is ours as well.  I would ask my mentor this question but she is working a long work day and one of our future owners of the puppy asked me this question.  When can new people visit the puppies without there being such a high risk of catching diseases and so on?  Or isn't there a certain time?

ANSWER: Hi Nicole

Pups only have the immunities passed on from the mother. So you want to ensure that she's up to date on all her shots before breeding.

It's after their second shot that they can be introduced to other dogs and more people.  That being said, we allow new owners to come handle their pups BUT we have them sanitize before they touch any pup and they hold the pups in towels or on blankets.  We also DEMAND that all visitors haven't visited a other kennel, breeder or human society a few weeks before coming to us.

Socialization and handling is very important and teaches the pups trust.  People that want to handle the pups understand the reason behind washing and disinfecting and don't mind.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for replying back to me.  So if you had a prefered age, what would it be?  If they are a week and two days old... should I allow people to come around week three or four?  Maybe just don't allow touching?  The last people came were scared to touch them "breakable" is what they said. So, maybe I can say there is a no touching rule.

Although they are deaf and blind, there sense of smell and touch is excellent.  Hence the reason for handling.  

It should be what you are comfortable with and I never let small children handle the newborns.

Just keep a bottle of sanitizer next pups and clean, clean, clean!