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Pug whelping

18 13:34:16

I have a pug and she is in the last few days of pregnancy.  This is her second
litter of Pug/Boston terrier mix.  Although she had a little difficulty last
time, she did deliver vaginally.  I understand a lot of pugs have to have
c-sections.  She seems in pretty good spirits, but is starting to lay around and
get comfy now.  My question is, is the second litter usually easier on the
mother than the first?  

Hi Brent. It's usually easier for the dog to actually deliver the second litter, as the canal is stretched out a bit more. However, if you have a really big pup, or one that's trying to come out sideways, then you may still run into trouble. Just watch her, and if you run into trouble call the vet. Good luck!