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tail docking of rat terrier pups

18 13:27:00

Joyce- I did not understand your reply. You stated to "tie off flush at the butt". Sorry but this makes little sense to me. Also what do you mean by elastic bands? Tail-docking of Rat Terriers is not a complex task, but necessary with this breed. I can do it with a little advice, and I'm sure you have seen this done, so please take time to help me. Thanks

Sorry that you didn't understand my response Wayne, I thought I was clear. Banding is extremely simple and easy to do. It is a process we do on each of our litters.  

Depending where you live, I guess they have different names but elastic bands, rubber bands, hair ties,  pig bands ... you can use any of these.

Tie the band at the butt and slide down a half inch and make a knot.  The tail will simply fall off after a few days.  Simply, easy and painless.  No stitching or medicinal treatment required.