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58 days and cant stand

18 12:00:20

My dog is around 58 days pregnant I think... It is her first pregnancy, and unfortunately it is from her first heat, so she is still young.

Yesterday she was lying down a lot, and wouldn't get up unless we gave her lots of encouragement. Today, she is panting a lot, lying down and 'making the bed'. I have made a nest for her, but she wouldn't get up for anything so we had to drag her on a blanket to her nest. She can lift up on her front legs, but her back legs are too weak for her to stand it seems. Her leg joints are also swollen. I'm a bit worried that she can't stand now. Is this normal?

Hi. No, this is not normal at all. The panting and digging sounds like signs of labor, but the not being able to stand and her swollen joints are not normal. Please get her to the vet fast to figure out what's going on with her before whatever it is progresses and gets worse.