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Misscariage and breeding

18 13:45:39

My female frenchie misscarried 3 months ago.  Can I try and breed her again with her next heat cycle?  How long before she goes into heat again?

Hi Tressa:

I'm sorry your girl lost her litter. That can be a heart-breaking experience. Heat cycles occur on average every 6 months so expect the next one around 6 months from the date of the last one. The pregnancy doesn't delay it or interrupt it, even if she were to have carried it full term & whelped successfully. However, I would recommend skipping her next cycle to give her some extra time to heal & restore her body to maximum health. Also I would seriously urge you to have your vet give her a thorough examination along with any recommended diagnostic tests to try to determine why she miscarried and also if there are any unknown health or reproductive organ problems which may cause future incidents. It's possible she may simply not be a good candidate for breeding. If all checks out well & your vet feels there's no reason to suspect a problem in future breeding attempts, you might consider trying a different stud for the next mating. Sometimes it's impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of a miscarriage -- if no fault is found with her reproductive organs & general health it's possible there may be something in the male's DNA that is awry. It's worth checking out to be on the safe side. I hope this helps & wish you the best of luck in your future breeding endeavors!