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18 13:31:16

My dog is pregnant and I have both parents. I have been putting the male in his cage when I go to work. Will he hurt the puppies or her if he is present at the birth. I am not sure how dogs are in a pack and what job the father has in all this. Is he nurturing and helpful or is nonmaternal.


Puppy Feeding
Hi Maryanne.  Unlike humans, the father of the puppies really does not play a role in the birthing, and It is my opinion that he should not be allowed in the area.

When the puppies are weaned, you can slowly introduce them, but not until then.  Having the male, and or other animals, around can cause stress in the mother which can lead to problems such as rejection of the litter, and or her milk drying up.

I also suggest that you select a secluded place - away from high traffic areas, and away from drafts where the mother can deliver and tend to her new puppies in peace.  It is very tempting to want to show off the puppies, but it is best not to allow friends, neighbors, and or lots of family members to visit during the first 3 weeks.

It is a good idea to purchase a postal scale and have it handy during the birthing process.  After each puppy is born, and while the mother is preparing to deliver the next puppy, you should weigh each puppy and record it - along with any identifying marks on a piece of paper.  Example.  Puppy One - Black with one white paw - weight 13-oz.

Each day, at the same time, weigh the puppies and record.  If the puppies are gaining weight, all is well.  As long as the puppies are gaining weight and the mother is taking care of them, I strongly suggest that you leave them alone.  Let mommy be the mommy.  However, if you discover that one or more of the puppies are not gaining, or in fact is losing weight, then it will be time to offer supplemental feedings.  Here is a link to a website where you can order the Puppy Gold

I suggest K-9 Gold for supplemental feedings, and I also suggest adding a scoop to the mothers food each day.  

Good luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto