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Weimaraner in heat

18 13:31:17

My 2 yr old is in her 21st day of her 3rd heat. The bleeding has stopped. My breeder says that now is when she can get pregnant--the next 5-7 days. But everything I read says no--the time has already passed. What is the right answer?

Hi Jay

Improper timing is the leading cause of a unsuccessful mating.  

Ovulation can't be accurately predicted by just counting the days of a heat cycle.  Early signs of heat can be missed, the female shows little or no evidence, ovulation can occur after the female is in standing heat and so on.

As a general rule a heat cycle last 21 days. The onset of heat last six to nine days,  signaled by bloody discharge and firm swelling of the vulva.  The second phase is a standing heat, when the female is receptive, this happens about 2 days before she ovulates.  She flags her tail and her vulva softens and the bloody discharge turns a pinkish color. This is the time a female should be bred.  And finally metestrus where the female no longer stands  and the period of uterine repair begins.

You can do progesterone testing to find out for certain, but on a typical female days 10 - 15 are prime for breeding.

Good luck