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breeding Boston Terriers

18 13:31:17

 To start with I am 35 yrs old and have had bostons in my life since I was 12.  I have 2 bostons, right now, a male who is just a few days shy of turning 2 and a female who just turned 1 in Dec.  
 I have done my homework on breeding and whelping them, but still am uncertain.  Some "experts" are saying they should not be bred until their 2nd heat and some say their 3rd.  I personally was going to wait until she was two or at least her 3rd.  That would be better would it not??
  Also, I know that there is a good chance she will need a c-section.  I got them from 2 separate breeders and together they have been breeding bostons for about 25 yrs., and have never had to have a c-section.  Are they just lucky or just matched 2 bostons up perfectly?  I thought my two would be good together and I know they would make gorgeous puppies, b/c they both are beautifully marked.  He weighs about 18 lbs, and I thought she would be bigger, b/c her moms weighs about 25, but she at a year old weighs about the same as he does.  I know the male needs to be smaller or about the same, but she is taller and leaner and he is shorter and stockier(spelling).  His face is also more smashed in than hers.  I would love to be able to have them whelped natural, but with his build and face, I'm wondering if I should reconsider putting him with her.  I love this breed so much and so badly wanted to start breeding them, they are such wonderful dogs, gorgeous, playful and wonderful with children.  Any help you could give me, I would really appreciate.

Hi Kimberly

If your pair coming from free whelping lines, chances are very, very good that the female will free whelp.

Before breeding a female, consideration should be given as each female is different.  Is she mature and physical fit at her second heat?  Waiting until she's older will allow her body to develop completely.  

To ensure a healthy litter, you want to provide your female with the best food, vitamins, oils and exercise you can.  Don't over feed, or feed puppy chow to a pregnant female as the pups will grow too large and make sure your female is physically fit so whelping will be easier.

A healthy and happy female is the basis you want to build on.  

Good luck