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laboring dogs

18 13:44:26

QUESTION: I have a 3 year old female boxer that is due with her first litter any time she has been panting heavily off and on for about 11 hours is this normal?


Panting in dogs is part of the whelping process.  You want to make sure she's not straining, that could indicate a problem, like a blocked pup.

Nesting, panting and even whining is common.  You can give her a bowl of vanilla ice cream.  That will give her a boost of calcium, keep her hydrated and lower her temp.

Good luck.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: how long should stage one last

It could start a few days before she actually whelps as the pups start moving down the horns.

To help things along you can take her for short walks, make sure you carry a towel, or if you are walking her at night, to bring a flash light. You want to watch whenever she squats that she doesn't expel a pup.