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Breeding problems

18 11:56:47

QUESTION: I asked the following question on June 23rd:
I want to breed our two Aussies.  The male is 3 1/2 years old (inexperienced) and the female turned two in Feb.  This is her 3rd heat cycle.  We started noticing swelling on June 14th with bleeding around the 20th or 21st.  The male thinks she should be ready, but she is very unwilling.  Will she stand when she is ready or is there a possibility they will need help?

The female never flagged or attempted to flag and was very aggressive to the male any time he tried to approach her.
I am sure by now it is too late.  I would like to know for her next heat what I can do to help them.

I received a response from Tamara today that stated she had answered this question for me before.  But on the 23rd was the first time I have posted a question and it has not been answered.

ANSWER: Hi Deborah

We'll take June 20th as the first day of her season.  That would make her receptive starting the 29th onward.   Of course day 9 is still early, but I like to bring the pair together around then in case I missed a few days.  Breeding typically take place between days 12 - 17 of a season (or there about depending on the female).  Is she still spotting?

The bleeding makes the male excited, he's ready, even if the female isn't.  When she's closer to ovulating she will stand and flag the male.  Some females aren't keen on being mounted so she may have to be held.  You can put her on a leash and hold her head so she can't snap or bite the male.

Keep the pair separated bringing them together only to mate, it's the old adage of absence makes the heart grow fonder, and only for 15 - 20 minutes.   If you leave them together all the time or for extended periods, the male becomes frustrated and the female becomes irritated.  

Don't give up, I think you might get a breeding done yet.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is no longer spotting and he does not show any further interest in her. We noticed swelling on the 14th on June and she started bleeding around the 21st.  He became really interested around the 23rd or 24th, but she would have no part of him being even close to her.  I feel like her cycle has ended and we will have to wait until next time.

When a female comes into season, she starts by swelling (this can last a week), then she'll start bleeding, THEN she's ready to be bred, after she's done bleeding.  Approximately 21 days from start to finish.  

For her next season you may want to have progesterone testing done, so you know when she ovulates and it will take a lot of the guess work out.