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I think my dog is pregnant

18 13:42:39

Hi,my dog went out of heat the first week of Dec.When will she have the pups and are there any special things we might need to do before or while shes having the puppies.She is a Boxer and we were wondering what her pups might look like.Both her parents were fawn and the male that we think she was bred to was a Blue pitbull .Thanks for any help!

HI Beau. I need dates that the dog was bred in order to give you a due date. I'm going to give you two web sites. One is a list of whelping supplies that you will need. YOu won't need all of them, but it will give you an idea of what to have on hand. The other is a whelping guide of sorts. It has pictues of a dog whelping, and a lot of good information on what to expect. You do need to get a whelping box together for her if you haven't already. Make sure it's in a quiet, warm room. Call your vet when she starts labor, just in case you need him, he'll be prepared. As for what the pups may look like, I honestly don't have a clue. It's hard to say for sure when two breeds are invloved. I don't know a whole lot about Pitbull's color genetics, and such. There's so many different ways that they can come out. If I can help with anything else, let me know!