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dog in surprise labor??

18 11:55:14

My boarde collie is 3 yrs old.  She has been putting on some weight but we did not think anything of it.  Yesterday she blew 1/3 of her coat. She has been very needy lately and wanting lots of attention and love.  Last night she did not eat.  About 11:40 pm she started getting frantic, drooling, heavy breathing, rapid heart.  I took her outside and she ran around like a maniac.  When she came in she had a bit of blood on her hind legs. Looked at her stomache - not huge like a collie would be, but large.  Nipples are bigger than normal but no milk coming out yet.  Took me a bit but I finally put it together - think she may be in labor.  My father, was a breader of collies for years, said it could be a false pregnance.  It is now almost 7 at night the next day and we have stretches of pacing and panting and then resting.  As I have no idea when puppies were concieved, how close do you think we are?  Temp at 5 pm was 102.5, thought this should be dropping by now. And I thought the milk should be coming in by now. Father is a smaller shitzhu so I am not worried about puppies being too bit.  But is this taking too long?  Or does it sound more like a false pregnancy and just ride it out?  How much longer do I go before I take her into the vet? Thanks for your help!

Hi Robin

Sorry I can't be more help but honestly it's up to Mother Nature.

Personally if she doesn't produce something by tomorrow morning, get her into the vets for x-rays that's the only way you're going to know for certain what's going on.

Good luck.