Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > dewormed


18 13:41:01

I messed up my female maltese rabbies shot,she should of had it in March aound the 10th,By April 10 when I realized it was due she was already in heat and had made a tie,I know she can't get her shot till after the puppies if the ties took ok,my question since i use I think its called revolution,deworming and flea protecter I give starting june till November hear it work backwords,june for anything if she caught in may julys ,dose I squeeze between her shoulder blade,I was wondering since I read from another expert,how do I deworm her?its to early to start her revolution,again I may be wrong on the name..and then will I have to deworm her before he due date,I thought I did every research I could possibly find from when I first got her at 8 weeks,and I have gone back and forth just to brush up,I quess what I am asking what will my vet use for deworming?and how many times should she have it,if all goes well she should be having her pups on June 12th
also she is on her 19th day of heat,why is she still standing for my Male,I been keeping them apart,plz tell me she isn't being a tramp,just kidding,can she still want it?

Hi Mary

If it was me, I would wait until after the female had her pups and built up her system before I gave her anything.  Worms can lay dormant in the muscle and when a female becomes pregnant they detach.

An all dewormer like Drontel is the best.  

Some females will ovulate later, so if she's receptive to a male, you may have caught her too early.