Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Weimaraner; excessive drool, lethargic

Weimaraner; excessive drool, lethargic

18 13:29:50

I have a Weimaraner who all of a sudden has started drooling excessivly this morning, he has been sleeping off and on all day going between the floor and the couch.  He also has a small amount of drainage coming out of his eye.  He has been leashed walked lately and we dont recall him getting into anything.  He also has not eaten or drank anything this morning while i've been watching him.  I dont have the money to take him to the vet because non of the vets are willing to do a payment plan on a dog, even after being with them for 4 years and always paying.

Hi Laura

My first suggestion is to get him to a vet immediately. His symptoms could be fatal and may require hospitalization.

You have to watch for dehydration.  Try offering him Gatorade. You can freeze it into ice cube trays or pour it into his water dish.  Make sure you mix it with water.

Good luck