Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > finding a male chihuahua to breed w/ my female...

finding a male chihuahua to breed w/ my female...

18 13:40:40

Hi there. I've never bred a dog before. We have a very sweet 2 year old female chihuahua that is currently in estrus. We thought we had a male chihuahua to breed her with, but now the owner has changed her mind. Our dog (Chica) has been in estrus for 4 days now (bleeding for 4 days anyway).  2 Questions:  1)How long do we have to breed her; and 2)How do we go about finding a male chihuahua to breed her with? (we are trying to find one smaller than her because we're hoping the puppies might then be smaller and decrease her odds of having a c-section.

thanks a ton for your help... I've never been here before.  Good to know there are experts around to ask questions!

Franklin, TN

She wont' be ready to breed until her thirteenth day or so after bleeding begins.
Talk to your local vets and area breed clubs to help find a male.
Finding one smaller than she is doesn't mean she's going to have smaller pups. It gives you a better chance but when you breed you are breeding all the genes at least five generations back in both dogs, Which means if the male is small and he had a seven pound brother, sister, or grand parent even then the chances are she's going to have one that size. Remember when dealing with chi's that breeding is a life endangering process. Make sure you're prepared for that.
Good luck finding a suitable boy :)