Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Urgent!!! my dog is close to giving birth:

Urgent!!! my dog is close to giving birth:

18 13:34:23


Please can you help, about a week ago my daushound was driven over, here leg and pelvis were completely shattered, they have done surgery to fix it, now she needs a c-sec. the problem is what signs are there that she is going into labour as we need to get her to a vet asap to have her c-sec? we are not able to keep her at the vet any longer. thus we are fetching her, thank you so much!!!

Hi Danielle. She'll start to pant, alot. And dig like crazy. She may go off her feed. She'll be restless, and won't be able to sit still. She may whine. These are all signs of prelabor. I hope all goes well! Poor girl! Let me know how mom and babies do please.