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Tail docking on poodle

18 13:34:22

Hi, I've got 2 toy poodles, 1 is 8 months old and another one is 3.5 months old. they both have long tail as the breeder oppose to tail docking but I think their tails are way too long (half of their body). I'm just wondering if it is too late to dock their tail? If not, what should I do now? My friend told me use a rubber band to tie the tail and the tail will automatically fall, is that true? Thank you

Hi Vin. You may be able to dock the tail now. However, I most definitely wouldn't use the rubber band method. You could be setting your dog up for pain and infection. Besides, a good vet knows how long the tail should be. If you're going to dock, I seriously recommend letting the vet do it.