Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > i dont know what to please!!!

i dont know what to please!!!

18 13:43:51

i was recently given a 7 to 9 month old pit bull puppy,whom i really don't know much about.when i took her home a month ago,i knew she was having her first heat.her shots ,i later found out,have not been taken care of.In which I've made a doctors appointment within the next two weeks.howeva now her cycle is over and although i have not had her around any other dog she is apparently pregnant,her nipples have dropped ,she sits differently and is very careful laying ,jumping and even around her belly area...i don't know what kind of dog she could have been mated with and in all actuality I'm concerned because i myself am a struggling mother'$$$$,so outrageous vet cost are out of the question. i don't want to kill her pups (abortion)so i am seeking advice,suggestions and alternatives

First of all, she may not even be pregnant. She may just be having a false pregnancy. There's no real way to tell quite yet though. From what I gather, and I may have read wrong, she's really early into her pregnancy, if she is in fact pregnant. If she is really early into it, then she shouldn't be showing signs this early. That's what is making me think it's