Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > My small yorkie was mated

My small yorkie was mated

18 13:38:19

by mistake with here brother, who is a larger yorkie. Is there a birth control method you would recommend? We are not wanting them to mate and it just happened. SO is anything we can do right now that would keep her from breeding. Thank you

Hi Sam

The best and most reliable form of birth control is the old DWO Method (do without).  This is tried and true. LOL

At this stage of the game your options are a) to continue with the pregnancy and see if she took or b) have the vet administer Oxytoxin to expel the pups.

If you are planning to breed her in the future, I would go with a) the problem with b) is that there is a chance she may not ever conceive.

There are many pro's and con's to interbreeding. The best will be the best, and the rest of the litter will be substandard.  Any inherent traits, good, bad or ugly will come out tenfold in the pups.

Talk your options over with your vet to get a clear and better understanding of what each will entail.

Good luck