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Mating Difficulties

18 11:59:33

QUESTION: I have mini Aussie, own both the male (20 months) and the female (24 months) and her 3rd heat cycle. My dogs live and play together, and at her last heat cycle I almost had to bring my male to my brothers for a couple weeks as hew as so lovesick. However, now that I have given them the green light, the job isn't getting done! My bitch is ready (days, color of discharge, flirting etc.) and my male shows usual interest but does not try to mount. Any suggestions?


You can hold the female secure across your lap (you must be sitting on the ground for this).  Having her straddle your lap.  Bring the male around to the business end and encourage him to become excited.  Once he mounts, you may have to hold them together for a few moments until the tie occurs.

You can also try keeping the completely separated bringing them together ONLY for mating.  Letting them have 15 minutes together.  Then separating them again. It's a case of making the heart grow fonder.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well wouldn't you know, they got it done last night, without much help from me. Now that my male has it figured out, he won't leave her alone, keeps whining, and howled all night long! Will that subside as the heat cycle recedes?

Also, debate in my house to be settled. The more often a dog is bred, the more puppies they will have. Argument is stated because a female dog can have puppies in one litter from more than one stud. True?

thanks so much for advice and help, great site!

The whining should stop when her season ends. The entire time is about a month from start to finish and of course she won't stand for him the entire time.

It's a myth that the more often a dog breeds the more pups they have.  The truth is a female is born with all the eggs she is every going to produce. Her body releases, them during her season, it could be 1, 3 or a dozen.  A male produces tens of millions of sperms a go round.  They need all these sperm because some die off, some get lost, some act as a stairway to the "prize".

Two males can sire a litter as the eggs may ripen at different days.