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first boxer litter

18 13:44:28

I have a one year  old pure breed boxer. She is nesting behind furniture and her nipples have become very enlarged. We do believe she is pregnant, If these are signs could you tell me on average how many puppies come from a first litter of pups?

Because of her age and because of personal experience with Boxers, she may only end up with one pup. If that's the case, you need to be prepared for a c-section. And also because of her age, she may need one anyway. I would highly suggest that you contact your vet, take her in for a check up just to be on the safe side. She may end up having a large litter, but one may be too big, or her body may not be prepared for whelping because of her age. A 'normal' litter for a Boxer is usually 4-6. Most of my girls had between 7-10. I keep saying because of her age because a Boxer is not done growing yet until she's about 2 years old, and her body just may not be able to whelp naturally. So, just be prepared for that, and contact your vet so he can be prepared as well. Good luck!