Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > bitch in season ?

bitch in season ?

18 13:48:30

hi i have 2 white german shepherds male is just over 2 and female just over 1 , i noticed last week my female is very swollen down below she is constantly licking her self and wanting to go outside for a wee (in garden) i beleive she is in her 1st season ? and have kept both dogs seperated when im not around as i dont want her to have a litter just yet beacuse of her age. it has been 6 days since i noticed the swelling , if and when will she bleed ? (hoping the male hasnt seen to her ) thanx  

Hi Liz

If she's licking herself, she maybe be bleeding and just very clean.  You may notice just a spot or two on her bedding.  Some females are heavy bleeders, some are lighter.

If she is in heat you have to keep the male and female separated for at least a month, because it's after she starts bleeding that she ovulates.  You should start counting the days.  

Good luck.