Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > hernia


18 11:55:31

Hello my dog had a litter of puppies last august and the past month i have just notice she has an umbilical hernia. but my question is, are umbilical hernias genetic? i took her to the vet he said it wouldn't get bigger and that i could try to massage it back in (its smaller than a marble) but he didn't think hers would go back in. I had wanted to breed her one more time so i could keep a pup for myself and then get her spayed. The vet said it wold not hurt her to have another litter. but i just don't want to pass anything on to her pups and i want to do what is best for her. anyway just wondering if it is genetic and if it would be ok to breed again or not. thank for your time!

Hi Matthew

Umbilical hernia's are genetic or are considered congenital.

To put it simply, there is a weakness or opening within a muscle mass that allows other tissues to pass through. When a hernia occurs here, the opening enlarges and the intestines or fat from the abdominal area pass through it, producing a swelling immediately under the skin.

Occasionally you can have success by "pushing" it back, with the tip of the pencil or tape a dime to it.  This disorder is passed to pups and responsible breeders would not breed a dog with this condition.

Good luck