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breeding pits

18 11:59:04

is it okay to breed second litter daughter back to the dad?

Hi Jennifer

What are the lines?  Are there any hereditary defects like mange showing up?  Are there fighting dogs in the pedigree? Is the sire's line without any heath or temperament issues?

Pits are one of the most inbreed dogs. They use to be awesome service dogs but the lines include champion pit fighters.  If you narrow in on that gene, you could have way more dog than most people can handle. So it's extremely important to know blood lines as far back as possible.

That being said, in breeding will make the off-spring smaller, more prone to genetic defects, exhibit signs of oversensitivity, lower immune system.   

It's a choice as a breeder you have to make however, you must be prepared to cull the litter.

Good luck