Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Heat/breeding/time


18 13:34:48

i have a femaile schipperke of age 7.  i have a male schipperke age 3.  Planning on breeding the two.  according to the vet when "she" is ready for the male she will begin the "ok" by putting herself in the "air".  She started this Aug 4 and is still doing this.  They have made contact several times(getting stuck).  I know notice today she is begining to bleed??  This is my first time at breeding dogs.  To my understanding she should have begun bleeding prior to.......   Help me with this. How long will this take?  I have another male old dog which I have been keeping away from the female.  Not easy.  Any suggestions to make that easier?

Hi Debi -- I'm of the opinion that females over the age of 6 shouldn't be used for breeding.  Keep in mind that's just my two cents. I've seen the trauma and difficulties that "older" dogs experience when bred later.

If she got "stuck" that is called a tie.  That's when the semen leave the male and enter the female.  They only need to do it once a day. Anything more is too much for the male.  

She's older so she may not have experienced the same heat as younger females.  It starts with swelling, then the bleeding, the ovulation.

To keep your female safe from other males, keep her in a crate or penned in a separate room.

Good luck