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Season of a Jack Russell

18 13:47:52

I just rescued a 1yr old fem JRT , whom went into heat the next day. Approx how long can I expect her to flow & what kind of things can I expect from dogs outside of my fenced yard? She only goes out basically to potty & I am planning to have her spayed in 2 months (timeframe recommended by my Vet).

Hi Brenda -- You can expect at least 21 days of a heat cycle. The first is the bleeding, then the blood will taper of to a pinkest color.  Don't be fooled thinking that she's safe once she quits bleeding.

She should be kept away from intact males and watched closely when she's out alone. Males have a way of getting to a female in heat and a 6 foot fence is not deterrent.

You will have all the boys in the neighborhood knocking on your front door to introduce themselves to your little female -- and some of them will be sneaky.

Good luck.