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mated but not pregnant

18 13:28:05

Our male Beagle has mated and had puppies with our female for 3 litters. Then this January they were tied 2 times and then no puppies came. My question is can we let our friend use him as a stud and expect a pregnancy or how do we know if something is wrong and if so on the male or females part.

Hi. There are many different things thatcan happen that will prevent a pregnancy. This dog already had three litters before? Were they back to back, or did she have a break? If a dog is bred on every heat, it can lead to small litters, weak pups, and infertility. Breeding on the wrong days will also cause a dog to miss. An infection on the female's part may cause it, you may want to have her checked out for an infection and then a few weeks before heat, put her on antibiotics. To tell on the male's part, you'll want to get a semen sample done to make sure he has good swimmers, and to make sure he doesn't have an infection as well. Good luck!