Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > frustrated chihuahua

frustrated chihuahua

18 11:56:10

jazzy is my 1 1/2 year old male chihuahua that has lost his mind because my 1 year old female boxer is in heat for the first time. if he gets seperated from her he crys barks whines and scratches at me until he is back with her. before the curse he was glued to me and that wasn't a issue. what can i do for him before i get shipped off to the hospital because of a nervous break down!!!

Hi Tammy

Boys, can't live with em.....

You can try putting him on vitamin B but honestly consider shipping him out first.

It's the smell that's making him loco.  If you're not getting either fixed, you may want to consider sending one off during the season.

There's no changing Mother Nature.

Good luck