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Breeding Female Lab

18 13:27:43

I bred my bitch on her 11th day of "heat." She and the stud tied that day. They did not try to mate again that day. Today is her 12th day and she nor the stud are interested in mating. Does this mean it may have took? Is it possible that they know it was successful? What does this behavior mean?
We will take her back to the breeder on her 14th day to try again. I have been told that when dogs tie there is a 98% chance of pregnancy. Is that true?

Hi Samantha

A tie is Mother Nature's way of helping the species along.  It DOES NOT guarantee puppies.  Ovulation guarantees puppies.  The most common reason a females doesn't catch is timing.

Either the breeding was done to early or too late.  

Multiple breeding are required to guarantee success.  It's not a case of the more you do, the better my chances.  Ideally, once a day over the course of a few days is best.  It gives the male a chance to recover.

One breeding, she may have caught, you only need one time. If the male is an experienced male he may know that she's not ready.

Good luck