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Mom, Daughter and babies

18 11:55:30

We have raised three Australian Shepherds.  Mom (Patch)- 7 yrs old, Male (Cy) - 5 yrs old and Daughter of Mom (Mag) - 3yrs old.  We bred Mag and Cy and this morning she had 6 healthy strong babies.  Our problem is dealing with Patch and Mag (Mom and Daughter).  We have kept them all separated thru out the day.  We tried to let three outside together late this afternoon and Patch attacked Mag.  I believe this is because of the hi-arcy of dogs - My question is, how do get them all to get along?

Hi Debbie

Now the females have a history and it's going to be harder to keep the peace in the family.

The new momma should be left alone without letting the other dogs near her or her pups.  She is going to be more dominant and aggressive in protecting her young.

Once all the pups have been weaned and place in homes, you are going to have re-establish your pack structure.  They will have to learn that aggression is not tolerated.

Good luck