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failing to conceive

18 13:43:01

I have 2 dachshunds ,male and female.
I had counted 12 days from her first bleed, and the male started to mount her on day 10, and continued for 2 more days , so they have tied about 4 times in 3 days.
But she is not pregnant, this is the second time its happend. The male is fine because he is a successful stud with experience.  what is going on with her. she is age 3yrs old. and has a health living.

Hi Jayne. There are many different things that can happen. You need to take her in for a check up to try to pin point what's going on with her. It may be a simple infection that's causing her to not conceive. Or, it may be a thyroid problem. She may also be ovulating early in her cycle. That can be monitored with progesterone testing. It's really hard to say for sure what's going on with her. You really need to get your vet involved in this to figure it out. Some simple blood tests may be all that's needed. Sorry I couldn't give you a definate answer, there's just so many different things that can cause this. Good luck!