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Tail docking

18 11:56:24


Tail tip
I cannot find the specifics on tail docking, I am not doing it but have a puppy with a docked tail that may be a problem.

When the tail is cut at 3 days, is it cut at any length desirable or does the cut have to lie in between two vertebra/the joint? What if the cut was made in the middle of the bone?

My breeder is a good one and she has her stuff together but this was her first litter and first docking. Whats going on with his tail. It was cut and stitched at 3 days old(by her with the instruction of her mentor) and he has half a bone at the end. As he has grown the bone is protruding now under a thin layer of skin. The tip definitely has bone all the way to the end and it is not just scar tissue. When he was younger(6 months now) it was just flexible scar tissue but now he has grown and I'm worried if the bone will eventually come through the skin.

If I need to talk with the vet I will bring him in but I'm not sure its a big problem. He is healthy otherwise, I don't want to go for them to tell me its nothing to worry about.

(Picture)The black marks are approximately the middle of the joints.

i breed boxers so all of my puppies get their tails docked. i get this done at the vet where all my dogs are seen. i have a choice on short cut or show cut so where they cut i dont think matters. your dogs tails looks fine and no the bone wont pop threw the skin. this is completly normal and i wouldnt worry about it. just keep an eye on it. i hope this helps and if you have any other questions feel free to ask.