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chihuahua whelping

18 13:32:37

My chihuahua had two puppies about three hours ago. she was cleaning and nursing her babies just fine and all of a sudden she decided to bite them and growl at them. she won't even look at them without growling. the vet said maybe she has one more to birth but it has been three hours and she is still nesting, hiding and hasn't eaten yet. How do I peersuade her to nurse her pups?!

Hi Amy,

Is your female a first time mother?

Sometimes before the "nurturing gene" a female will reject and try and kill her pups.  It's best to have a warming box where you can take them away and allow your female time to adjust.

If there is the possibility of another pup, or afterbirth try taking your female for a walk.  Walking can get things moving.  Also a scoop of vanilla ice cream will help with contractions, keep her hydrated and build calcium in milk.

If her milk hasn't come in yet, she may not want to nurse.  Taking the pups away for short periods will encourage her to nurse.

Good luck