Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > female wont breed

female wont breed

18 13:44:29

QUESTION: Hello, My female newfie is on her 11 day of her cycle and I have tried to breed her in the past and she will not have any parts of it. Although in the past she would growl and try to bite my male. THis time she is not she is just sitting. I have done alot of research and also have been speaking to my breeder (of male and female) I was interested in my females mother as to how she was with breeding and her cycle. I also have had them separated for the past two months because I think she is the dominant one.  I have written before to you and you suggested assisting them which I have tried and when I go near them my male will stop. I was ready past answers and noticed that they would talk about sedating. I do have over the counter meds for calming dogs down is that what you would use> Any information would be helpful. I have been researching many years and would love for this to happen. i do realize not all females are capable of breeding. But I would like to know that I tried my best. Thanks  

ANSWER: If you choose to sedate her, I'd talk to your vet about which drug would be best, side affects, and how much you should use. You definitely don't want to over medicate her. You could also try Artificial Insemination. You still have time to do this if she's only on day 11. You said this time that she's not snapping, just sitting. That's a good sign. She may just not be in the right time of her cycle yet. I know how much you want this, so time is of the essence here. I'd suggest calling your vet ASAP, so you can figure out what method you want to use. The most important thing here, not matter what method you try, is to make sure she's in the right part of her cycle to be bred. Her bleeding will lighten in color and frequency, and her vulva will soften up some. Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Unfortunately there aren't any vets in my area that will do artificial insemination.WHen you sedate your dog is she still able to breed on her own just calmer?? I am hesitant to call my vet as they really frown upon breeding. I don't think they are very helpful. Thanks again for your information.

When you sedate a dog for breeding, it should just calm her down, not make her woozy or anything. I would seriously think about contacting a different vet, even if not in your area. You need to find a good vet that is willing to help you with this. Without the help of a good vet, you may not be able to do this on your own. I know how much you want this litter. And you'll also need a good vet in case something goes wrong with mom and the puppies. I know how difficult some vets can be. However, a good vet that is understanding of breeders is a gem!