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my dog is now 62 days preg & no puppies,help?!

18 13:30:02

My wheaten is due the 8th , she lost her mucas plug about 3-4 days ago and is getting more lethargic everday that passes. Not real bad but just very quiet like. No milk is coming out, just a drop out of one if i squeeze it. She's huge and her exray showed about 6-7 puppies due. She had an easy whelp on her last litter on day 62....She has also been battling an ear infection, would this make things more difficult? When should I call my vet.? I am just getting worried that she is over due, what should I look for?

Hi Cindy. Is she eating/drinking ok? Does she have a temp? A normal dog pregnancy lasts 63 days, so today would be 63 for her. I would put a call in to the vet today, and maybe see about getting a check up done tomorrow if nothing happens tonight. When a dog goes over 65 days, then she needs to be seen by the vet. I'd go ahead and put a call in to the vet and see what he thinks. Whewn a dog gets to the last week of pregnancy, she's usually miserable and huge, and doesn't want to do much, but if your girl already lost her mucus plug, and it's been 4-5 days later, I'd call my vet just to be on the safe side. Good luck, and let me know how it goes please.