Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > 4 week old boxer Puppies have thinning hair

4 week old boxer Puppies have thinning hair

18 13:34:13

QUESTION: My boxer just gave birth almost 4 weeks ago. I have noticed the last day or so that all 7 puppies are starting to have thinning hair. I'm taking them to the vet tomorrow to have their tails checked but is that normal for their hair to thin? They don't have bald spots just thinning hair. Thank you.

ANSWER: HI Linsey. It's not normal. Ir could be something a simple as their diet, or something more serious. Make sure you get that looked at. Exactly where is the fur thining? Is it an all over thing, or just in certain places. Demodetic mange can start out this way, but it's uncommon in puppies under 3 months of age. Usually, it starts out around the mouth and eyes, and the chest.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: And do you think its going to be difficult for me to sell the puppies if they end up having that mange you were talking about. Most of them have thinning hair down their back where they have a darker stripe.  Its like the darker hair is coming out and being replaced my lighter hair. I feed them with a bottle with the just born puppy formula along with the milk they get from mom. How can i change their diet if thats what is causing it? Thank you!

Is there any way that you can send me a picture of one of the puppies? If so, pick the one that looks the worst. If it is the demodetic mite, then you'll have to tell the owners. It's a thing with the immune system, every dog has this mite on them. When the immune system weakens, it allows the mite to take control. It can be very expensive to treat. If it's considered a localized form, then it may cure itself. If it turns into the generalized form, the the pup should be neutered, and mom shouldn't be bred again. I'm really not sure of pups this young can come down with this, I've never heard of it before. I would suggest having a skin scrapping done. That would let you know for sure, and the scrape doesn't cost that much.You say it looks like the darker fur is coming out being replaced by lighter fur. This may be normal. If you could get me a picture, that would be great. My e-mail is (that's 3 v's)