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mating yorkie

18 11:55:50

My yorkie went in heat with signs of red discharge about 8 days ago, my friends yorkie has been mounting her non stop for the last 5 days. I'm not sure if all his humping was in vain. He is about 5 pounds and she is 7 pounds so he is shorter than she is. We have noticed in the last day or 2 that her nipples are swollen. Is it too soon to tell if she is pregnant.I have noticed that she wants to cuddle more.please help cause I'm clueless when it comes to this. I'm only mating her because my parents and sister loves her and want yorkies just like my sasha.

Hi Priscilla

First, your male should only mate your female when she's in her season between days 9 and 15.  Anything else and he's wasting energy and semen.

A female has to ovulate to become pregnant.  Breeding too much can damage either the male or female, or sometimes both.

Gestation is 64 days, so the swollen nipples can be a result of the heat cycle.

Do your male a favor and give him a break.  Allow him to mate with your female once or twice (max) every OTHER day to conserve and rebuild his semen count.

Good luck