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Dog doing wees in house

18 13:41:15

Mmy little Isabellah keeps weeing in my daughters bedromms. She is a Maltese X Shi Tzu and  was 2 last November,she is 2 weeks away from having her babies,but she has always done her wees in there when we are not watching. She does go outside during the day . I think it is at night time when we are a sleep. My sons close their doors at night. But the girls wont...Please help

Hi Donna

Personally, if I had a dog that did that, I would crate her at night and/or when I could supervise her.  

Small dogs, especially females, are notorious for "bad" behavior. Especially if they are upset or ticked off. But being a small dog is no excuse for allowing her to exhibit poor manners.

You have to clean the floor in that room with a powerful disinfectant or carpet cleaner that will eliminate the smell right to the floor boards. She is going to keep right on peeing there if she can smell it.  

If she's due in two weeks, she shouldn't be wandering through the house anyway, but have a safe whelping box where she can deliver her pups.

Good luck.