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when can pug have thee first litter

18 13:41:15

Hi, I've got a female pug and she is months old.She has just had her first season, I thought this was a bit to young for a pup to have her first bleed. What age do you recommend that she breed for her first litter and when in the season (bleeding) do you start the matting process is it when she is bleeding or just after.

many thanks

Hi. I didn't get how many months old your dog is. :-) At any rate, I highly suggest to anyone wanting to breed their female to wait until the dog is at least two years of age. This is to simply let the dog finish growing. A one year old dog is akin to a 15 year old human having a baby, in years that is. Just because they can, don't mean their bodies are ready to. :-) Let her finish growing and maturing. If you breed her when she's too young, you run a higher risk of losing her, or running into some serious whelping problems, not to even mention the pups. Also, find out what health issues your breed has, and test her for them before breeding. This will help to produce much healthier pups. As for when in the cycle, start to count when she starts bleeding. The first day is day one. Then, most people try to breed on days 11 and 13, or on days 12 and 14 of the cycle. She'll still be bleeding. Good luck, and if I can help with anything else, let me know!