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problems after whelping

18 13:30:30

My dog had puppies a week ago. I am really worried because around her nipples in the bottom ones are getting purple. Every time i think is more purple. She is a Labrador and had 7 puppies. I dont know if this is normal. I already took her to the vet and she said it was ok. That i should bring her if her milk starts getting brown. It is not brown the milk, but around the nipples is really purple. Also she wont stop scratching and making wholes in the garden. She has never done that before. She is a really well trained dog. Today she went under my desk where is really dark in the corner and started scratching the wood floor. I am worried she is not well. She has been wining a lot too.  If you need a picture let me know and i can take one. Thank you

Hi Sara

What she is doing when she's digging is trying to make a safe den for her pups.  For some reason she's not feeling secure or her pups are safe where you have them.  They should be in a secured whelping box or area where your female can nurse and raise her pups quietly and safely.

The purple nipple could be from the pups sucking.  What you want to watch for is heat and if the nipple becomes hard and/or cracked.  If that happens you will have mastitis on your hands and that is a major problem.