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a whelping samoyed-previons c-section

18 11:56:23

QUESTION: my female started on a bad note and her first baby dies even after all my efforts,the placenta retained an hout later a sac of water and blood appeared but just sat there, it was mostly water. could thisw of been the placenta even though it was very runny

ANSWER: sorry to hear about your pup. sometimes despite everything we do mother nature has a different course. this could have been the placenta if it had red and green. sometimes a placents could take a while to come out. if you have any concern just go ahead and take her to the vet. if she seems fine and is eating and drinking then just keep an eye on her. she could have runny stool for around 4 to 5 days after giving birth. i have also had some of my dogs have bleeding for around 4 weeks after giving birth and it was normal. i think theres a standard of normal for whelping dogs and each dog varies from that at least a little bit. i really hope this helps and good luck! if you have any more questions feel free to ask.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well it turned out just to be a bubble of water because the placenta was wrapped around the next puppy and it died, the 3rd puppy was not formed properly, then she had another female I brought to live and then 2 and a half hours another female. Why were some of the placentas formed differently, almost like they were inside out, but the last puppy perfectly, water was clear and it was good

there are many reasonns why the placentas were deformed i have had this happen before and we decided to get our female fixed and retire her. but you might want to taker her to vet and see what they say but after previous c-section and then the deformed placentas you might want to consider retiring her. its just that after a problem arises that its even more likely it could happen in the next litter. these are all just suggestions and you are the one that knows your female best so just use your best judgment. if you have any other questions feel free to ask.
thank you.