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Breeding Boxer

18 11:55:18

Firt off I want to tell you I am very ashamed. I have a male boxer who is 1 year 7 months old and a female who will be 1 year of July 3rd. I planned on breeding the two and did my homework. I know I am suppose to wait until my female is two and already have had her first heat. Well, my mother has bred poodles and maltese for years. My female boxer went into heat approx. four days ago. I asked my mother when my male would want to start mating with her and my mom told me that they would "hook up" after she finished bleeding (approximately 8-10 days). So I made arrangements for my male boxer to stay at a friends house until my female was through with her cycle. Three days later I found the dogs stuck together. I know she is pregnant now and I feel really bad about it. My male is about 70 pounds and my female is just under 50 lbs. What do I need to do to ensure my female will be "ok" during delivery and that the puppies will be healthy? I wanted to do the right thing and wait but it did not work out that way. Please tell me what steps I need to take to make everything "ok" the best I can.

Hi Kristi

Did they only tye the one time?  

If you did the research you know then the lines in your dogs and the size.  You will also know how your dam's mother did as a mother and whelper.

You want to maintain your females weight.  Include raw heart, liver and kidney to her diet and DO NOT put her on a puppy food until after the pups are born.  You want to ensure she gets plenty of rest and quality food.  Because it starts on the inside.

Good luck